The Books
The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy
Online-Only Chapters and Excerpt
Online Chapter I: "Knock, Knock"
Excerpt - Chapter I: "Taft! Taft! Taft!"
Signed/personalized copies
License to Quill
Online-Only Chapters and Excerpt
Excerpt - Chapter I: "The Man Who Killed Christopher Marlowe"
Signed/personalized copies
Signed/personalized copies
Game of Thrones versus History: Written in Blood
Excerpt: "A Machiavellian Discourse on Game of Thrones"
Hardboiled Horror
Uncovering Stranger Things: Essays on Eighties Nostalgia, Cynicism and Innocence
Trumping Truth: Essays on the Destructive Power of "Alternative Facts"
Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories in American History
The Players
The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy
The Heroes
William Howard Taft
Robert Todd Lincoln
Chief Wilkie
Major Butt
The Heroines
Nellie Taft
The Herron Ladies
Miss Knox
The Wild Cards
J. P. Morgan
Nikola Tesla
Skull and Bones
The Secret Page
Theodore Roosevelt
The Pocket Watch
License to Quill
The Heroes
William Shakespeare
Christopher Marlowe
The Heroines
The Dark Lady
Lady Percy
The Rogues
The Reviews
The Author
Author Bio
Other Writings
Contact Information
Online-only CHapter II:
"The Test"